Join us at Aubree's in Grand Blanc for a pizza dinner and to learn about the exiting events planned for 2025. Please RSVP at
This generous gift will be matched by Friends of the Grand Blanc Grid for a total gift of $10,000 for the Perry Road path. Thank you!
Grand Blanc Twp announce Pathway to Connection. This major fundraiser will complete the path along Perry Road which is along the Iron Belle Trail. Once completed this will connect Grand Blanc and Atlas Twp and Goodrich. This will be a total of 5 miles of pathway along the Iron Belle Trail.
The Grand Blanc Community Fund has awarded Friends of the Grand Blanc Grid $2,500 to support the building of the Cook/Embury path. This path is a significant connector of the other paths in Grand Blanc. Thank you!
Our 4th annual Pumpkin Walk was part of Frights and Lights. Great fun, spooky decorations and money raised for the 2025 build of the Cook/Embury Trail.
Thank you to all who donated pumpkins, attended and volunteered. Thank you to our generous sponsors!!
Thank you Randy Wise and Grand Blanc Township for including a 5 foot wide path along the frontage of your Holly Road development. This adds significant linkage to existing non-motorized access along Holly Road.
The Grand Blanc Township Board announced the award of $1.4 million in grants for the Cook/Embury path. This is a very big accomplishment because it will connect major pathways already in use. Friends of the Grand Blanc Grid is grateful for the hard work by the Township to secure these grants. Approximately $200,000 in additional funding is required. We will be launching a fundraising opportunity in April/May. Please watch for details. This is a great investment for the residents of our community.
We are placing a sign at key business partners who are helping complete the Grid one section at a time. Thank you businesses and thank you Crannie.
Thank you Security Credit Union for your piece of the Grid.
Please link your Kroger card to Friends of the Grand Blanc Grid then Kroger will donate a portion of your purchases to Friends of the Grand Blanc Grid. It won't cost you a penny more and won't require any additional work. Simple go to and scroll down to link your shopper's card. It is very easy. You can look up Friends of the Grand Blanc Grid or our code is JS913. Thank you!!!
Grand Blanc Township has committed to building the Cook/Embury Trail. This is a significant connection from the Dort Hwy Trail to the Grand Blanc Road Trail. We need to help them raise $300,000 to make this happen. Please support. Thank you!!
360 Interactive has generously donated their time and talent to develop marketing materials for the Grand Blanc Grid. We are eager to start attending local events to build the enthusiasm for our paths.
click on the Gifts and Grants tab for more details
click on the Gifts and Grants tab for more details
Some paths have been built. There are exciting projects planned that could accommodate a path.
Please join our friends group to help build momentum, raise awareness, raise money and partner with those who can make the dream of creating bike paths and walking paths a reality. Let's complete this network by 2025!
Grand Blanc, Michigan, United States
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